
03:33 今世間を騒がせている謎の「白装束軍団」。マス コミの報道が面白い。「依然とゆっくりとしたスピードで西 に進行しています」や「今夜再び長野県に入りました」な ど、まるで台風情報。付近・方面の住人達の「頼むから 反れてくれ」と祈る気持ちを込めたインタビューも台風到 来そのもの。台風はやがて勢力を失うか、遥かに行って 消え去るが、彼らの行動の結末はいかに。▲さて、「joke  of the day」から最新のジョークを一題。和訳は後ほど。
In a small aeroplane there were four people: the pilot, the Pope, Bill Gates and a hitchhiker.

They were flying over mountains when suddenly the pilot burst through the doors to the passenger compartment and announced that there was a fuel leakage and the plane would crash in 5 minutes.

"There are only three parachutes I'm afraid," he said, as he hurredly grabbed one for himself and jumped out. That left the three passengers and two parachutes.

Bill Gates said, "I'm very important, and I'm the world's smartest man and I deserve to live." And with that he grabbed a pack and leaped out.

"Young man," said the Pope to the hitchhiker, "I am old, I have lived my life and it was a very good one. You' re still young, please take the last parachute and save yourself. My life is in the hands of God."

"It's okay," said the hitchhiker. "Don't worry, we have a parachute each."

"How can that be?" asked the Pope.

"Well, the world's smartest man just jumped out with my backpack!"
